Products & Services

Business Intelligence Solutions

We build robust and extensible data architectures to support Business Intelligence development for your company. Call us if you want to implement advanced solutions in the areas of reporting, dashboards/scorecards, and data mining.


Data Architecture and Design

We can build a robust and extensible data architecture to support Business Intelligence development for your company. Expert quality data and dimensional modeling done right will make the rest of your applications, reports and dashboards much easier to implement and more likely to flourish.


SQL Server and SSAS Administration

Do you worry that your data is not protected from failure and distasters? We can ensure that your databases and cubes are safe and restorable to meet your business needs. We offer long-term contracts to give you peace of mind.


Dimensional Modeling

Solid data warehouse design starts with a sturdy dimensional model. The dimensional model becomes the rock upon which the warehouse is built, and we make certain that your dimensions stand up to the test.


.NET Development

Does your project require custom .NET development? We can fill that need also.


Performance Tuning

Call us if your application is sluggish and listless. Don't sink money into upgrading us before replacing your hardware.


Performance Point

Dashboards and scorecards are the most powerful way to display data today. Performance Point lets you quickly interpret your data by concisely presenting large amounts of information with advanced drill down capabilities.




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